
A line that promotes natural healing and improve one’s health.

Health and Diet

An efficient and convenient way to improve your health:  supplements made  with natural ingredients based on intensive scientific research.  Results:  improved overall health, fitness and vitality.

Liver Supplement

Slim2 Diet Tea

Oriental Body Care

Put your body at ease by discovering ways to effectively treat and prevent common body aches and skin problems. With its botanical key fixings providing slimming effects and promoting healthy body detoxification

Hot Sauna Cream

Biostrecth Intensive Balm

Forest Sap Detox Patch

Warm Sap Detox Patch

Anti-bacterial Care

Begin your wellness journey by inhibiting bacterial growth on the skin. Incorporated with plant-based ingredients and biodegradable Protecting against harmful bacteria without damaging the environment.



Antibacterial Bio-Hand Wash Wipes

Hand Sanitizer spray

Hand Sanitizing Lotion

Liquid Hand Soap